The Project 2025 “Ask Me Anything Bot
I took the 900-page management template from the ’24 Trump transition team; its rationale, vision, policies and proposals and stuffed them into a
next-generation chatbot you can ask intelligent questions.
The Project 2025 GPT is a large language model (LLM). Think of an LLM as a super-sophisticated chatbot able to provide detailed and nuanced answers to a question. The best practice for using LLMs is to fill them with data around a single topic or subject and use it as a digital assistant. A really, really smart digital assistant; complete with the occasional mistake or misinterpretation.
Inside the bot, we’ve packed the following:
- The 900-page Project 2025 Manuscript
- The 46 promises that make up #Agenda47
- The 2024 GOP platform
- The Michigan United Action Theory of Change
- The recent Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity
- Legal writing on AI and US law
- Legal writing on liability and climate change
- Legal writing on the impact of the Patriot Act and individual liberty
- The Peoples Guide to Project 2025
- The texts of major Supreme Court legal decisions like Citizens United, Dobbs, Roe v. Wade, and Brown v. Board of Education, Creative LLC and Obergfell
- The texts of Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank
- Fine-tuning and training docs
Using the Project 2025 GPT
We encourage you to use the starter questions to begin diving into Project 2025, and let those responses feed your curiosity to ask more. Below the chatbot you’ll find links to its data and the URL’s it uses to frame opinion on its application.
Here are some current articles about Project 2025 you can use as idea starters:
- “Project 2025 blueprint also include draconian cuts to Medicaid”, Georgetown University, June 17, 2024.
- HBO’s John Oliver on a second Trump term: ‘Really does promise to be far, far worse” , The Guardian, June 17, 2024.
- “Project 2025 Would Take Away Access to Free Emergency Contraception for 48 Million Women”, Center for American Progress, June 18, 2024.
Here are some good questions to ask about the combination of the 2024 GOP Platform, Agenda 47 & Project 2025:
- Compare and contrast the GOP platform, Agenda 47 and Project 2025?
- What are the most controversial proposals in Agenda 47?
- How does Agenda 47 and Project 2025 differ?
- How does Donald Trump’s Agenda 47 plan to revive the domestic auto industry comport to similar Project 2025 goals?
- What are the privacy impacts of implementing Trump’s plan to protect students from the leftist and Marxist maniacs infecting American schools?
- How do the Project 2025 judicial policies enable Agenda 47?
Tips on using the LLM
Be clear and specific in your questions
Good questions follow the principles of clarity and specificity. Use simple, unambiguous language and provide enough context and details for the model to understand what you are asking.
Structure your questions meaningfully
Use formatting like bullet points, line breaks, quotes etc. to make them easier to parse. This helps the LLM better understand the structure and intent of your prompt.
Provide examples
Giving a few examples of the kind of output you want can steer the LLM in the right direction, a technique called “few-shot prompting”.
Use keywords strategically
Including relevant keywords in your questions can help the LLM focus on the right information for the task.
Leverage data sources
If you have existing data sources like documentation or previous content, providing those as context can greatly improve the LLM’s output quality and consistency.
Try different question variations
Experiment with different ways of phrasing and structuring your prompts. Small variations can sometimes lead to very different outputs.
What happens if it acts weird?
The technology sputters at times. Don’t fret, just re-ask or rephrase the question. Call it on little errors. The technology will only get better; unlike the outcomes of a successful Project 2025 .
Tips on using the LLM
Be clear and specific in your questions
Good questions follow the principles of clarity and specificity. Use simple, unambiguous language and provide enough context and details for the model to understand what you are asking.
Structure your questions meaningfully
Use formatting like bullet points, line breaks, quotes etc. to make them easier to parse. This helps the LLM better understand the structure and intent of your prompt.
Provide examples
Giving a few examples of the kind of output you want can steer the LLM in the right direction, a technique called “few-shot prompting”.
Use keywords strategically
Including relevant keywords in your questions can help the LLM focus on the right information for the task.
Leverage data sources
If you have existing data sources like documentation or previous content, providing those as context can greatly improve the LLM’s output quality and consistency.
Try different question variations
Experiment with different ways of phrasing and structuring your prompts. Small variations can sometimes lead to very different outputs.
What happens if it acts weird?
The technology sputters at times. Don’t fret, just re-ask or rephrase the question. Call it on little errors. The technology will only get better; unlike the outcomes of a successful Project 2025 .
Sebastian James
October 21, 2024
8:31 pm